Friday 2 October 2015

Different target audiences

Sugar Lads Mag-
Demographic - The 'Sugar Lads Mag' is mainly targeted towards the teenage age and people in their early 20's (16-20), and aimed at mainly girls. This is displayed through the magazine's main image being of Gerard Way, a male rock star in a popular group with a teenage following.  The magazine slogan "It's all about him - for you" will attract this target audience as it implies that the contents of the magazine is about Gerard. Furthermore, the word "you" personalises the contents, making it sound like it is written especially for the reader. The type of language used also attracts the younger audience, "How I beat my bullies" is a way in which the magazine can give an insight into Gerard's past which would attract to the fans of him and his music, But this statement would also attract to the teenage market as a way for advice can be given across about "bullies" to those who need it, making Gerard a teenage idol. The use of informal language in the phrase "I'm a Laydee" implies that the magazine is targeted towards a younger audience.

Psychographic -  The magazine is also targeted at people because of their interests, lifestyle and mindset. Although most of their target audience are around the teenage market, some of the audience will be attracted because of their lifestyle rather than their age or gender. The main celebrity model they have used is a music idol (Gerard Way who use to be in the band My Chemical Romance). The Psychographic audience may have the interest of music or even have 'MCR' as one of their inspirations. Another way that this magazine would be through "I'm a Laydee". The use of language used would link to those who may be from the gay community as "Laydee" and "One lad goes girlie for a week" fits with some similar personality traits for someone who is gay/or acts in a similar way.

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