Monday 12 October 2015

Camera Angles and Movement

Use of Camera Angles and Movement in a film clip
"The Shining - Typewriter scene"

1) What camera angles and shots are used when Wendy is reading at the typewriter?
When Wendy is looking over at the typewriter, different camera angles and shots were used. The different shots used are:
- Low Angle shot (looking up) is used as Wendy is looking over the top of the typewriter to see what her husband had written
- POV / Medium Close up (Characters / audiences point of view) is used to look at the sheets of papers, showing it in her perspective for the audience to see, (zoom is also introduced here)
- Over the shoulder (views the back of Wendy whilst looking over the typewriter) is used right at the start of the scene.
- Tracking shot (camera that moves along tracks) is used when Jack enters the room, focusing on him both entering and the effect that it will have on Wendy.

2) How do they make us feel?

The Over the shoulder shot is used to set the scene right at the start. Although we cannot see Wendy's face, the combination of music and camera angles creates the suspense as the camera is drawing closer to Wendy and the typewriter. This shot puts an effect on the reader by setting the scene, although in the clip we don't know how it is linked to the rest of the film, it clearly sets the scene and builds tension to the audience as she begins to look over at the typewriter.
The low angle shot is used as Wendy is looking over the top of the typewriter. Not only does it create suspicion of what Jack has written, it also creates the effect of suspense to find out why he has written 'All work no play makes jack a dull boy' so many times. This shot puts an effect on the audience as it makes us curious of what will happen next.
The POV / Medium Close up is used to look at the sheets of paper which jack has written on, showing it in both the audiences and Wendy's perspective. This shot puts an effect on the audience, as it brings them into the scene, and creates emotion with Wendy's reaction after he finds the typewriter. Before we can even see the typewriter, all we see is Wendy's emotions as she reads the paper, although we haven't yet seen what is written, the expression on Wendy's face shows exactly what she's thinking and how she feels (horror and shock)
The Tracking shot is then used when Jack enters the room which Wendy is in, the camera slowly focuses on him and gets closer up to Wendy. This shot puts an effect on the audience as jack witnesses Wendy looking through his 'work'. It creates empathy from the audience to Wendy as she does not realise that he is there.

3) Where does the zoom take place, and what is its effect?

The zoom takes place toward the end of the scene, as Jack makes his way into the room which Wendy is in. The zoom use is important as it helps to show us her attention. When Jack enters, Wendy fails to notice him because of how much she is focused on the typewriter. This is used to create sympathy towards Wendy as she doesn't know what is about to happen and that Jack is actually there. The zoom  implies that only the paper is important, as Wendy isn't aware of anything else in the room like she originally was.

4) What camera shots are used as jack moves into the room?
*POV and then later into an Over the shoulder shot*
When Jack first moves into the room, a POV (Point of View) shot is used. This shot is used to show Jacks perspective of the room when he first enters, seeing his wife stood over by his typewriter.

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