Wednesday 23 September 2015

Analytical Task - Hawaii Five O

  • How does the programme show the Crime drama genre?
  • Does the episode follow a recognisable narrative structure? (Todorov or McKee)?
  • How does the programme use enigmas?
  • What evidence is there both a series and a serial (series tell a different story each episode, serials have on going stories (like soap operas))
1) Hawaii Five-O shows how it is a Crime Drama in many ways. One way of this is through their use of props. They use police uniforms and props such as weapons and machinery. Rather than using simple props of what police officers would use, Hawaii Five-O uses a range of generic props such as flashing lights and police sirens, also a higher end props such as helicopters and a prison.

In Hawaii Five-O they also present the concept of a TV Crime Drama through their use of characters. in most Crime, Drama, or Crime Drama shows their are commonly used characters. In these shows there is almost always: A Villain, a Hero, an Ambiguous character, a Helper and an Expert.
In Hawaii Five-O, Each of these types of character types are portrayed. These typical characters link with the shows genre. The shows Heroic are Police officers, the Villains are engaged in criminal activities in a prison; One of which is an Ex-Police officer who is now serving a sentence imprisonment, The Police officers are helped and advised by the Helpers and Experts within the police department, and the ambiguous character both turns against and helps out the heroes, and is also a recurring character in the series.

In the show the Camerawork, Editing and Setting help to also show how it is a Crime Drama. 
The Camerawork used helps to show the action in which a Crime Drama would commonly use. Close-ups with the camera helps to show a characters emotions through their facial expressions, where as a long-shot is mainly used to capture a scenes action (this is so that the whole shot can fit into the frame so that non of the action is missed).
The Editing helps to show the typical type of action which takes place in a Crime Drama. Rather than using little action in soaps and regular dramas, Hawaii Five-O captures its action through their editing with fast paced scenes. In the high action scenes (i.e. when the prison breaks out) the editing is kept to a fast pace to capture the action of the scene and the audiences reaction.

2) Hawaii Five-O follows a recognisable narrative structure throughout it episodes. In the episode that we are basing the work on follows both of the structure theories.
In the episode of which Chin Ho Kelly is kidnapped and wakes up in a prison, Todorov's Equilibrium Theory is followed to create the episodes structure. At the start of the episode the structure follows the 'Equilibrium', this is represented when Chin is relaxing at home alone. This then develops into 'Disruption', Changing both the pace and emotion of the seen, This happens when Chin becomes kidnapped and gets taken away when he is drugged to sleep.
Chin Ho Kelly then becomes aware of the danger he is in through 'Recognition' when he realises his state of equilibrium is disrupted when he wakes up in the prison.
These first three parts of the Equilibrium Theory happens within the first few minutes into the Hawaii Five-O episode, which then helps to create both tension and drama to the scene.
The episode then continues to follow the theories structure. This is shown through 'Reparation' as Chin tries to resolve his issue by getting to a guard and trying to escape out of the prison.
Finally the episode finishes with the Theories concept of 'Restoration'. This is shown when Chin is rescued from prison and is in hospital to help with his injuries. In this scene Chin is better of than he was in the beginning, Although he is injured, Chin is thankful for the force and for his colleges as they practically saved his life. The Equilibrium theory helps the episode to create a recognisable episode structure and also to add drama to each of the scenes.

On the other hand, The episode we are focusing on also follows the well known structure of Robert McKee's Classic Five Part Narrative Theory, as each of the stages are followed through in the Hawaii Five-O scenes.
The 'Inciting Incident' is presented at the start of the episode, this is when the character is disrupted and the scene beginnings to turn dramatic. Once the drama is built up through the first stage, the story then deepens which is represented through 'Progressive Complications'. The episode then begins to follow the final three stages which take course throughout the episode, The 'Crisis' happens as the mood of Chin begins to deteriorate and things get worse for him, this is then followed onto the 'Climax' when both Chin and the enemy appear head to head and the action of the scene is increased. The theory then finishes off with 'Restoration', where the main issue is resolved and things return back to normal for Chin.

In this episode the chronology changes from following the more recognisable structure. Although through most of the episode a regular structure is followed, the episode is structured in a different way. The episode starts off with a scene which later appears; This is presented as a flash back until the same moment appears later on in the episode. This creates an effect on the audience which is used to grasp the audiences attention and keeps them curious of what will happen throughout the episode.

3) In Hawaii Five-O, many different enigmas are presented throughout the episodes. In the episode I am focusing on, many different kinds of enigmas are used, all of which are used in different ways to create an effect on the audience. One presentation for an enigma was through the use of the character Adam. Adam (One of the main police officers boyfriend/fiancĂ©) is presented as a mysterious character, who of which seems to be hiding something. In part of the episode we saw how his girlfriend/fiancĂ© tried to trace information of which he had been hiding on his phone. Furthermore, this keeps the audience engaged of finding out the mystery behind the secrets he is keeping, and also figuring out that he isn't who we think he really is. This enigma used keeps the audience engaged over a longer period of time as it would leave the audience wondering what happens next with Adam's mystery, how it has an effect on the other characters.

Another enigma used in the episode is through its chronology. Rather than following a regular patterned structure, in this episode of Hawaii Five-O the order of the plot changes. At the start of the episode we are shown a shooting scene, of which gives no reason for why it is taking place. Throughout the episode we then begin to learn about the episodes plot and how the first scene shown links in. This enigma is used to help engage the audience by building tension and mystery, showing why the episode creates a flash back of what is taking place, keeping the audience wanting to know more. This builds action and emotion; Rather than building up the episodes drama over the course of the episode, it starts with the shooting scene, this grasping the audiences attention.
Most of the enigmas used are answered within the single episode, but some are carried on into future episodes. This is used so that the audience who watched the original episode, will continue to watch episodes after to find out a characters plot.

4) In this episode both concepts of series and serials in television are used. The episode comes across as a series, this is show through each of the characters plots, each changing after each of the episodes (Similarly to other crime dramas). But the episode also shows way in which it is a serial too. Although each of the episodes include different content, some of the characters plots carry on into other episodes, sometimes lasting for many after. (similarly to soap operas e.g. Coronation Street)
In this episode of Hawaii Five-O both of these are shown:
A series is shown through most of the characters, changing what happens to the characters each episode. For example this is shown through Chin, In the episode I am focusing on Chin gets injured and the story is mainly based around him, the episode after then focusing on a separate character and the previous episode of Chin isn't linked.
A serial is shown through some of the characters, keeping the same plot on continuous episodes.
 For example this is shown through the character of Adam, In this episode there is uncovered truths of what Adam is hiding from the other characters, This then carries on into later episodes linking in with other character plots.


  1. This is an excellent piece of work Emily, truly fantastic with both excellent detail and a wonderful understanding of the analytical tools used for moving image work. You have shown really high levels of analysis and interpretation.

    WWW- You have shown excellent understanding of the generic conventions of this programme and and wonderful, thorough analysis of the programmes narrative structure. You clearly recognise the enigmas and how the programme has used these to create a level of intrigue for the audience.

    EBI- There isn't much wrong with this work Emily, but you might have considered any other generic features present in this programme besides those you would associate obviously with this genre. The merging of generic features and borrowing features from genres is a common method to try to attract a larger audience to a product.

    Show me- reply to this post Emily and explain how the programme demonstrates any features not typically associated with the TV crime genre.

    Excellent work overall. Well done Emily.

  2. Thank you for your feedback Mr. Bateman,
    One feature that isn't typically associated with the Crime Drama genre is through the characters relationships. By focusing on some of the relationships between characters, Hawaii Five-O can appeal to a larger audience, attracting the audience through romance and a brotherly bond. The romance between Adam and his girlfriend, and the bond between the 2 main officers wouldn't usually be featured with a typical Crime Drama. By including other features rather than just weapons and typical police plots (fights, prison etc), they have therefore included a larger possible audience.
