Friday 9 October 2015

Exam Questions past paper practice

1a) Analyse the front covers for both GQ and Saga magazines commenting on:
  • Visual codes - 
  • Layout and Design -
  • Language and Mode of address - 
2a) GQ Magazine audiences:
Demographic: The GQ magazine is mainly targeted towards the age of an adult (25-50), and aimed mainly towards a male audience. This is displayed through the magazine's main image being of Clint Eastwood. The magazine's annual slogan "Men of the year issue" will attract this target audience as implies that the contents are all about the "Men of the year", this appealing to the target audience because of its content and the use of celebrity icons. Furthermore, the word 'year' implies that rather than a small period of time, the "Men of the year" are selected from a large range of people over a longer period time. This implying that only the very best are chosen to be used in the magazine, appealing to the older audience as it appears to be personalised by using only the very best. 
The way that Clint Eastwood is posing on the front of the magazine will also help to attract an older audience. The way that he is posing helps to link the image with the text surrounding, proving that he is "Badass of the year". This would appeal to the older male audience as looking "Badass" may appeal to the audience.

Psychographic: This GQ magazine is also targeted towards an audience of which are fans of Clint Eastwood's work and lifestyle. By choosing a someone who is a well known celebrity figure, the magazines audience can open up to any that are inspired or a fan of any aspect of his work. This is also targeted towards people of which are fans of other male celebrity figures. Some examples of this appear on the front cover, including Tom Brady, Barack Obama and Neil Patrick Harris.

2b) Saga Magazine:
Saga magazine is aimed towards people aged over 50, this is shown on the front cover of the of the magazine. One way that the cover appeals to the audience is through the design. The designers if the magazines have used sophisticated and a simplistic design. This appeals to the older audience as the cover isn't too distractive and is attractive to its audience.
Another connotation of this in the magazine would be through the celebrity figure they have used in this case Michael Caine, both in his celebrity status and appearance. The outfit of which Michael Caine is wearing is both serious yet sophisticated. His glasses show a form of intelligence implying that he is well educated, His facial expressions show a stern, serious but slight smirk, showing that he knows what he's talking about, but can make it interesting in a slightly entertaining way. His stance is also quite serious by having his hands placed in his pockets.
Another connotation of this in the magazine is through the colours used. Along with the sophisticated colour scheme, the colours of which Michael is wearing shows both seriousness and mystery.


3) Exploring representations of media today..

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