Monday 14 September 2015

Codes and Conventions

Magazine cover - VOGUE
This magazine follows codes and conventions, it does this because the magazine uses: A bold Masthead, Barcode, Price tag, Date (month only), Secondary articles, Headline and a Feature article photograph.

The Masthead, Headline, Article photograph and Secondary articles stand out most on the magazine cover by catching the audiences attention. These codes and conventions are similar to other magazines like it. One example of this is through the model (Kristen Stewart) who is giving direct eye contact to draw in the audience through the appearance of the magazines cover.

The Magazine is also quite formal, although it is not as formal as most classical magazines, this magazine approaches the audience through an informal and chatty aspect.
The Magazine cover uses formal language, referring to Kate Middleton as Catherine Middleton, and also including a serious segment on someone 'surviving a near-death brain trauma'. Both of these are represented as a formal type of text/content, But the magazine also addresses the 'importance' of someones fashion through 'perfect hair at what risk' and '50 classic looks for spring'.

The Magazine also helps to include the audience through the text, font and style. The text and colour of the font provides an uplifting style of the cover. Rather than using bright colours which would usually be eye catching yet over powering, this magazine uses a more toned down text using darker colours on a lighter background. Although using a darker font colour may not usually stand out, by applying an attractive model over a lighter background still allows the magazine to stand out in a more sophisticated way.


  1. This is a nicely detailed response Emily with some very good understanding of the codes and conventions of magazines shown. One point you could have elaborated upon is the use of the model Kristen Stewart and references to Kate Middleton- these [people are often featured on magazines because they help to attract an audience.

    You have discussed the use of colour well and the use of verbal language, although you should in future refer to it as the "mode of address"

    1. Thank you for your feedback, I have tried to mention about Kate Middleton and Kristen Stewart but I will add in the extra detail of how they help to attract the attention of the audience. In the future I will also change how I refer to a magazines colour or language and describe them using the terminology 'Mode of address' and 'Conventions'.
