Wednesday 9 September 2015

Denotations and Connotations

Back To The Future -

- The colour black used in the background represents the mystery of the film.
- The fire coming from the tire marks represents the speed of which the car is travelling at.
- The bold font which is in the film title is used to make it stand out to the audience and catch their attention.
- The facial expressions which the main character (Marty McFly) shows that he maybe in a rush due to him looking at his watch. This linking with the fire on the car tire marks showing how fast he is travelling.


- The bright colours used in the background represents how happy the songs are.
- The font shape and size is used to help the album cover stand out to its audience. It makes it clear for what type and artist the album is from.
- The types of shapes and colours make the cover to appear more attractive.
- The character on the cover who is laying down on a sofa helps to show how relaxed and laid back the music actually is.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really positive start to this kind of work Emily, you have shown some good understanding of connotation and textual analysis. However, in future try to get used to writing in prose rather than bullet pointing unless you are specifically asked to. It's important to get used to making your responses flow in essay style.

    Good understanding shown.
