Monday 7 December 2015

Audience Mock Revision

  • Choose three different media products covering there different media types
  • Outline two target audiences for each 
  • Using your own examples outline how audiences respond differently

The two main target audiences for this particular issue for glamour magazine are:

- Females (20-30) who's main interests are fashion based, are also quite sophisticated and intelligent
- Those who are fans of Tanya Burr of which many only buy this issue because she is featured, but could continue to buy it if it appeals to them.

- Both of these audiences are Psychographic as they are appealing to these target audiences through their interests. Females because of their interests in fashion, and fans who's interests are of Tanya Burr. Females around the age of 20-30 would also be Demographic as it is targeted to both people of the same interests, but also a specific age and gender.

The two main target audiences for this particular series of I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here (2015) are:

- Those who enjoy the show (mixed amount of males and females aged around 16-35). They are into the chatty style and the bush tucker trials
- Those who are fans of particular celebrities in the jungle (for example this series which had George Shelly, Tony Hadley, Jorgie Porter, Chris Eubank etc) to watch the show and vote for their favourites. And also those who are fans of Ant and Dec so mainly watch it for their comedic and witty involvement.

The two main target audiences for this Captain America film are:

- Men (20-40) who are fans of that particular genre (Action and Adventure), who are also quite intelligent
- People who are fans of the famous actors who are starred in the film (for example whose who are fans of Chris Evans, Cobie Smulders, Emily VanCamp and Scarlett Johansson) so are only really watching it for their involvement

Audience examples:

"I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!" (ITV) - I'm A Celeb attracts an audience in many different ways. The main target audience for this show is young adult onwards (16 - 50), this is clearly aimed towards this audience by the content used throughout each series. From attracting this target audience, it is then up to them on how they respond. Some of which may have a different response to the message and bias to other members of the same target audience. The response of this audience can be Dominant, Oppositional or negotiated. This is referred to with the message and bias of whether they agree with how realistic the show is (whether the celebrities are putting on an act) and and whether or not they like the show and celebrities. If the response is dominant then they agree with it being realistic and also that they enjoy the show. If the response is oppositional, the audience completely disagrees with all parts of the message and bias. Lastly if the response is negotiated, the audience either disagrees with the realistic view of the show or disagree with actually enjoying the show.

1 comment:

  1. This is exceptionally detailed Emily- you have shown good understanding of audience theory here.

    WWW- you have shown good understanding of the basics of audiences responses theory and identified good, cogent audiences for the products

    EBI- you had explained in more detail what factors affect HOW different responses are achieved- i.e. what factors are responsible for determining the response

    Show me- reply to this post by explaining the factors which affect how people respond
