Monday 23 November 2015

Mock Exam Revision

The connotations of the colours used for the cover of this magazine are that it appears quite feminine, this is so that it would appeal well to the target audience of female adults. The Pink used for the masthead and sub text is slightly darker than a baby pink, this is so that it shows a sense power and also so that it stands out. The orange and yellow which is used for the background and sub text is quite faint. The yellow used doesn't stand out and take attention off the model, and the orange used is clear to see against the background but it still doesn't stand out as much as the model does.
The black in which appears on the model and for the rest of the text is used to create strength and power.
A connotation of this is how the model stands out against the background and text, and the attention is all on her. The black chosen for the text is so that the text stands out against the rest, the black used on the dress of the model however is used for more than just standing out against the rest. The black on the dress is used to represent the feeling of power and importance, but it is also used to project the model as a strong individual.

Another way of which her strength is represented is through her posture. Rather than having a regular stance, the model is facing head on, making eye contact with their target audience. This is also shown by having her hand on her hip, this implies that she is confident and also has rather a lot of attitude. This would appeal to the female market as it draws them in by the similarities, but it also create a false representation through the materialistic and typical model (and content). This is presented through how the model appears. Not only is the model seen as attractive, she has been used to represent the typical women magazine stereotypes. The text used is mainly laid out on and around the model, only leaving a few parts free from the text, this being around her cleavage and face. This is so that the attention of the audience mainly focuses on these areas along with what is actually written around her. The layout of the magazine is cleverly thought out as the magazine implies that there is something in it for everyone. Not only does the cover include a lot of text and attractive content, the actual appearance of the text are is different for each. On some areas of the text and sub-headlines, the font changes from either large to small, Upper case to Lower case and darkly coloured to lightly coloured. This is so that there will be at last one area of the text or content which applies to everyone. Juxtaposition is used for this cover as the colour which the model is wearing contrasts against the background. The model is wearing black, which is bold statement colour which is quite masculine and stand out, on the other hand the main background is a bright colour which is more feminine. Put together these colours used which are contrasting to each other increases the impact of which each produce.

A connotation for the language used is that it appears quite flirtatious, this appealing to the older target audience. The use of alliteration in "60 Sex Skills" seems catchy but also attracts the audience by how adults can get tips and tricks. There is also a concept of comedy in the text by "Never lose your orgasm again" and "10 times its ok to be a bitch" as the audience (mainly female) would be attracted to find out more about these.

For this magazine there are two main target audiences:
  • Female adults (20-35) - they are mainly targeted because of the appearance of the magazine being quite feminine, but also because of the chatty and flirtatious language.
  • It would also appeal to those which are fans of 'BeyoncĂ©' so this particular issue will appeal to her fan base.
This magazine is mainly targeted towards the general female audience rather than just fans of hers, this is because of the amount and context of the magazines content and appearance.
The magazine is quite feminine by the use of colour and the chatty flirtatious language. But it would also attract a female audience by using text such as '10 times its ok to be a bitch' and throughout the magazines gives females advice on things such as 'How to shag any man you want' with also tips on how to keep a 'Tight butt, Abs and Thighs'.

One example of how a media products attract an audience is:
Toy story (Disney) - Toy story attracts an audience by making all of its content and appearance attract to the younger target audience. Toy story is aimed towards children 3+, the producers clearly show this through the use of colour, language and plot. Firstly the appearance of the film is made childish through the use of bright recognisable colours, this appeals to children as they are drawn in by an array of bright colours. Secondly the language, this differs from other films as the content is made quite informal but still understandable and educational for children. Rather than using formal language, the language is made easily understandable to its target audience. Lastly the plot, throughout each of the toy story films a similar plot is followed. The plot usually includes a story that follows both good and mischievous characters; which usually are against each other during the film. At the end of the film, the story usually ends with the good (main toy story characters which are used throughout each of the films) being the saviours of the films. The story line is mainly targeted towards the younger target audience as the plot usually has a moral to the story making it understandable and valuable to the target audience.

Another example of how a media product attracts an audience is:
"I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!" (ITV) - I'm A Celeb attracts an audience in many different ways. The main target audience for this show is young adult onwards (16 - 50), this is clearly aimed towards this audience by the content used throughout each series. One way which the show attracts an audience is through the actual contestants on the show. The producers of the show ask a range of different celebrities, of which tend to be famous for different reasons. This is represented as a similarity between each I'm A Celeb series as they usually have celebrities of the same role each year (there tends to be a tv reality star, a sportsman, a band member or solo poster etc). This is an example of "comfortable reassurance" as its what the viewers expect every series except they bring different celebrities. Another way which the producers attract an audience is through the presenters "Ant and Dec", who of which are the most famous British double act today. Most of the audience like the show because of how it is presented by Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly. These presenters help to bring a comedic effect for the show by making jokes but also including a chatty/informal style.